At 17:40 04/03/2003 +0100, you wrote:
Dear Group..
I am looking for the sender of the 4 photo's last night 23:10
The photo was received while i was out so could not set contrast.
Dear Ko, LF Group,
Not sure about the mode, but I think it is DF6NM - I also saw these
pictures last night while tuning up for 73kHz. Condx were a bit too noisy
for this mode at my QTH. I have attached a picture I received a while back
in the same mode, when the QRN level was very low, which was quite
impressive. I noticed Markus ( if it was him....) sent 2 versions last
night - one with a bandwidth of about 50Hz, and the other with BW of about
100Hz - the 50Hz BW was much easier to see, the 100Hz version was only
faintly visible in the noise.
Cheers, Jim Moritz
73 de M0BMU 