From Laurence KL1x Anchorage. Back from whirlwind trip to the UK.
Anchorage in my absence had 4 days with winds on excess of 100 mph with
gusts over 111 Mph and caused power and water outages together with
millions of dollars of damage in the downtown and airport areas (within a
mile of me) Im on an elevated location above the airport but perhaps the
forest protected me a bit and Ive come home to find 1 foot diameter trees
cut off at the base littering the driveway and contorted bushes. Luckily
(dont ask me how) the LPA, rotator and 6m beam surv ived. The Inv U for 137
came down out of the tree at the far end and sheared a 600 pounds b/s rope.
Upshot of the antennae and power outages I have no decent records of the ZL
/UA tests. Ho humm - the system should be back in the trees later today and
Im going to modify it back to an Inv L again after discussions with Peter
LDO.. I have one comment on DFCW - from my limited experiences we wouldn't
want to go any closer than 0.2Hz - on some polar paths I get that sort of
"blurring" due to (sic) Doppler. I wouldn't expect it on the KL/ZL path
under quiet condx. I concur that a cold dry coil is a happy coil!
Laurence, jetlagged.