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LF: re the 73k/136k expeditions

To: "LF Group" <[email protected]>
Subject: LF: re the 73k/136k expeditions
From: "Dave Pick" <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 26 Mar 2003 21:17:39 -0000
Reply-to: [email protected]
Sender: <[email protected]>
Didn't work first time so here it is again.....

Derek and all.

Good news that Jim will be with you, I'll probably be back home before you
come on but we may work on Monday. I hope to be active from Friday evening
on 136 and 73k.
My contact number is 07976 833 839 and the QRA is IO75WC 29km West of

RUGBY IS OFF AT PRESENT!! Let's hope it stays off for the weekend.

I hope to leave "the Grabber" running on 72kHz in 3-sec Argo to aid with
tuning up. It'll have to use the IC735 and Datong converter so it won't be
very stable but I've put the Datong on top of the PC to keep it warm! It's
at from Friday morning.

Dave G3YXM.

Herewith further info re the planned LF expedition to Porthcurno, Cornwall
next weekend.
I am pleased to say that Jim Moritz M0BMU will also be taking part and we
hope to be QRV on both 73Khz and 136Khz from Monday evening 31st March
through to at least Tuesday night, 1st of April.  Provisional QRG on 73Khz
for QRSS is 71.915Khz. We may also be able to do some cross-band work

Location of the Museum is IO70EB, NGR SW384 227

Contact mobile phone number :  07742 676495
Mesages can also be left at      :  01736 810 153.

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