Dear LF Group,
I was pleased to work RU6LA for the second time on Friday night just after
9pm. It was a solid QRSS3 contact, in spite of the fairly high noise level.
Ed's signal was about s3 here, allthough he could not hear me.
Later, I re-tuned to 147.3kHz to hear the DDH47 50th anniversary broadcast,
and cross-band QSOs. I had a 7MHz dipole set up, and spent ages calling
them on 40m with no luck, even after the pile-up had subsided. Eventually,
after much cursing in the dark and rain, I managed to re-tune my LF wire on
80m, and was able to work them straight away around 0100. Thanks to the
people at DDH47 - it isn't every day you get to have a live 2-way QSO with
an LF utility station!
On Saturday morning, amongst others I worked DL2HRE, Edgar, who said it was
his first G contact on LF.
Cheers, Jim Moritz
73 de M0BMU