Second posting of this message - think the 36kb attachment was too big for
the reflector. Have made it smaller now.
Had a 73kHz CW QSO with G3LDO last night (gave 559, got 549).
I found one of my noise sources - my Sky Digital decoder box produced a
pulsing noise across 73kHz whilst on standby. Tthe fix was to take it off
standby. Also useful was to build a notch filter for the Rugby
transmission - simple series-tuned circuit between ground and the centre
two capacitors in series with the antenna lead to the Rx.
Will try to be on 71.765kHz for some of today (Sunday) but the gales are
causing the antenna masts to bend alarmingly (see attachment) and the
up-wire to touch the house, so it will have to be afternoon.
Mike, G3XDV
