Hi Bill
> and send without loading down the recipient's computer. The .JPG picture
> files I have currently stored on my computer run typically 160K in size
but when I try to modify them to black and white they end up being
> typically double, but - as high as 30M in one case! I'm currently using
> IrfanVeiw but without much luck. Anyone have some advice?
Mike said:
Try using Adobe PhotoShop which is available in a cut down version
(PhotoShop LE) as a give-away with a number of products. This allows you
define the resolution of the final picture. The full version is
from www.adobe.com, and a free try-out is available.
I concur with Mike that Adobe PhotoShop is the most flexible for changing
image formats.
The SW package that came with my Olympus digital camera (which gives
standard .jpg images 560kB) called MGI Photosuite is quite good for reducing
image sizes.
With so many image processing SW packages around I found it important to
experiment and to document the path to success - I nearly always forget and
have to go through the experimental routine again if this is not done.
.PCX images are often better for black and white images.
Peter, G3LDO
e-mail <[email protected]>
Web <http://web.ukonline.co.uk/g3ldo>