Dear Ed and friends, LF Group,
Started watching for your signals on Sunday afternoon - I could see some
signals on 137.7kHz straight away, but first readable ones were at about
1550z, "O" copy in QRSS3. All signals from RU6LWZ expedition from then on
were "O" copy, apart from occasional QSB lasting 10 minutes or so. The
screen shot in the attachment was from about 1700z.The signal level
increased as it got dark here. During the session starting around 2200z,
the RU6 signal level had greatly increased to a clearly audible S5 and
would have been good copy in normal CW. I called several times in QRSS3 and
also QRSS5, and could also hear and see signals from all the other Eu
stations who have been reported.
My QTH is north of London in locator IO91VR, about 2800km distance. RX was
RA1792, with two 2m square loop antennas in a noise-cancelling arrangement.
Receiving software was DL4YHF's Spectrum Lab. TX power 1200W, up to about
Thanks for this weekend's activity, and hope you can solve the RX problems
for the next expedition - clearly no problem with the TX signal, it would
certainly be worth the VE/W stations looking out for you next time!
Cheers, Jim Moritz
73 de M0BMU 