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LF: Re: 1 Rus LF DX-pedition #5

To: [email protected]
Subject: LF: Re: 1 Rus LF DX-pedition #5
From: "Giulio Scaroni" <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 5 Apr 2002 05:54:35 +0200
References: <[email protected]>
Reply-to: [email protected]
Sender: <[email protected]>
i' not in log!!!! what may i tell at my wife for all the time passed in
radio saturday afternoon and evening for nothing???
Hi hi Ed, i had called you several times, and i had an answer, but probably
my signal was.....fadeed out.
Well, this is the life of the radioamateurs, i hope really for the next
time, waiting, i'll try to improve my TX condition.
73 Ed  and thanks also at all the EU for the many signal viewed in QRSS

Thanks also to OK1FIG for new one saturday, in my 3 mounths LF activity, i
have made G/M qrss and aural, OH qrss, OM qrss, DL qrss, not many country,
but is a good job on LF for me, i wait for all the others, for sked send me
a mail.

Giulio IK2DED

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