At present we have F6BWO on about 923.5, me in DFCW at 922.5 and G3AQC with
a big DFCW signal at 921.5.
I have looked for every TA transmission that has been announced for the
past few weeks. I have seen no one. I will be watching the 135.921 to
135.924 window tonight but I suspect QRN will be a problem here.
> Dave Pick wrote:
> Dear trans-Atlantic listeners.
> Jeff F6BWO tells me he is still sending QRSS tests on 135.923 now from
> 2300 to 0000 utc.
> He has a new, more stable oscillator so is now able to send with
> longer 30 second dots.
> Is anyone else still sending?
> I could join in with a QRP test as a conditions indicator, say -6dB to
> -10dB on normal?
> I can't really send at full power because the antenna still needs
> sorting out.
> 73
> Dave
> G3YXM.