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Re: LF: Virus Alert! HOAX HOAX

To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: LF: Virus Alert! HOAX HOAX
From: "Stan Andrews" <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 04 Jan 2002 21:38:18 +1200
In-reply-to: <007701c1917d$126c1fe0$8f9a17d2@steve>
References: <000d01c1909a$49ba6440$af60883e@g3aqc> <001201c1910b$77a5b1e0$59d97ad5@dave>
Reply-to: [email protected]
Sender: <[email protected]>

Hi Steve, Was very interested in your comments about the fire storms.. We are lucky in the sense that we get a lot of rain rather than drying winds. However we are sorry to hear about people loosing their homes particularly at Christmas time. A time when we lookforward to relaxing a bit and taking it easy.. And useually one looses a lot of items that are irreplaceable and mean a lot to one
in the way of particularly special to ones own existence.
You may or may not know that Kevin, ZL4MD, was fire chief at Cromwell for quite afew years. Is retired from there now. Nearly lost
his eye
sight some years ago when a big circuit breaker  blew uo\p.

      Wish you all the best for  2002  and hopefully  we may hear you on the
Thursday night net. But then you may have a similar problem to myself. a 50 x 200 foot section and surrounded at close range by other houses.

Would also appreciate advice of your Virus checker.    Am tied up with the
SeniorNer, a group  of world wide affiliations helping those over  55  who
want to learn
about computers. We are preparing a list of  Anti virus progs for putting
into the club
newletter. You seem to be very happy with your choice and does not seem to
be excessively expensive.

73    Syan,   ZL4MB

At 08:58 31/12/01 +1100, you wrote:
G'day All,

I have subscribed recently to an anti-virus program.    I won't tell you
which one unless I receive direct inquiries as I don't want to put
commercial recommendations up here.    It only costs US$20 p.a. (OK, so that
narrows it down a bit :-) for which I receive notifications and updates
nearly everyday.    I usually update my virus data files every couple of
days (done automatically with a few clicks in the background as I am reading
my emails).    When I received one of those SULFNBK.EXE hoax emails I
already knew about it several days prior.    Forewarned is for-armed.

Happy New Year !!!!!

73s Steve VK2ZTO

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