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LF: RE:but fb copy of 80m QRSS QRPpp beacon

To: [email protected]
Subject: LF: RE:but fb copy of 80m QRSS QRPpp beacon
From: "Talbot Andrew" <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 3 Dec 2001 12:09:34 -0000
Reply-to: [email protected]
Sender: <[email protected]>
Actually I WAS transmitting a SMT Hell signal, approx 10Hz above this
transmission on Friday night.  Signal bandwidth was 2Hz with 2s pixel
intervals, but the power was only -3dBm as that is all I could quickly get
out of a bare DDS module.  (The one used for LF in the past has a 5MHz clock
so can only generate up to around 2MHz)  Also frequency stability was not up
to usual standards as a 100MHz TTL packaged oscillator was the only source I
could quickly find to drive the DDS board, so at least a couple of Hz drift.

Will try again, possibly next weekend when I have managed to put together a
much better clock source and found a few dB of power gain.

I have a choice of 4 fonts in my prog for driving the AD9850 DDS module.
Three fonts are taken from the DOS BIOS (remember DOS ?) ranging from 10x8
to 16x8 raster and one simple 7x5  font.

Andy  G4JNT

How about a QRPP HELL revival on 80 meters.. with the PIC driving the DDS
generate a kind of sequential hell image ?

An interesting idea! I got a good copy of G4JNT's Hell beacon on 136kHz
time ago. It think it should work well on HF too. The doppler jitter could
even improve
readability by smoothing the "pixelization" caused by sequential tones...
I will try to find ZL1BPU's (?) web page about "fuzzy modes" again to get
inspiration. What is the best (most readable - not most beautiful) font for
this mode?

CU in Hell!

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  • LF: RE:but fb copy of 80m QRSS QRPpp beacon, Talbot Andrew <=