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Re: LF: 136 kHz

To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: LF: 136 kHz
From: [email protected]
Date: Fri, 28 Dec 2001 13:06:11 EST
Reply-to: [email protected]
Sender: <[email protected]>
Dear John, Valerio es all

I will replay tomorrow (29/12) starting from 4:30 UTC untill 6:30 UTC on
 the same frequency if D6FNM agree.

no worries Valerio, and anyway it looks like I won't transmit tonight because of wind conditions. Normally, if I see you or know where u are, I can easily move up or down a couple of 100 mHz. Last night, I simply didn't realize when you came on 'cause I had fallen asleep a couple of hours earlier ;-).

In general, coordination within Europe shouldn't be all that difficult, as we can all see each other, and QSK is possible with most of the narrow modes. Unless we tried to work the same slot in both directions...

Thanks again John, for listening with such endurance and patience. Hope we are not keeping you away from your own transmitter project.

73, cul
Markus, DF6NM

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