At 23:21 29/10/01 -0000, you wrote:
Hi Rik
L = inductance (nH)
N = windings
D = average coil diameter (cm)
H = coil length (cm)
C = thickness of the wirelayers (all together, in cm)
K = correction factor depending on H/C ratio :
2 0.10
3 0.15
5 0.23
10 0.27
15 0.30
20 0.31
30 0.32
2. For 'fat' coils (H<=D) : L = 78*L^2*D/(3*D+9*H+10*C)
I will use the 'fat' coil formula because with my coil D = 60cm and H =
I don't understand the L^2 in the formula because L is what I am trying to
Hello Peter,
My mistake, it should be N^2 instead so : L = 78*N^2*D/(3*D+9*H+10*C)
L = inductance (nH)
N = number of turns
D = average coil diameter (cm)
H = coil length (cm)
C = thickness of all the wirelayers (cm)
BTW : according to this book (Taschenbuch der Hochfrequenztechnik) a 'fat'
coil is more sensible to the enviorement than a slim coil
73, Rik ON7YD