Hi All,
I have not been on 136 kHz a great deal this weekend because I've
been busy testing a noise canceller for possible use by Bob
G8RW. (NTL still refuses to investigate the SMPS noise believed
to be coming from their cable TV set-top box installed in a house
next door to Bob.)
Last week, Bob sent me his commercially-built model 'ANC-4' noise
canceller so that I could try modifying it for use on 136 kHz.
(Bob had bought the unit many years ago for HF use.) As things
turned out, I found that it appears to be capable of reasonable
performance on 136 kHz without modification.
So, now that we know that it has potential on LF, I will be
returning the unit to Bob to see how he gets on with it at his
QTH. Fingers crossed. Details of my experience with the ANC-4
can be found at:
BTW: I think that Ali did a great job of stimulating activity on
136 this past weekend. And the long duration between some QSOs
did not discourage Ali putting out numerous CQ calls. I did not
have much time to listen this weekend, but DF2BC always seemed to
be there!
Regards to all,
Steve GW4ALG