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LF: Thank you

To: "Alan Melia" <>,
Subject: LF: Thank you
From: "José de Sá" <>
Date: Sun, 26 Aug 2001 18:10:45 +0100
Sender: <>
Hi Alan, Brian, David et all,
Thank you very much for the welcoming into the LF
I think I probably know everyone of you personally
from the Old Windsor RSGB Conventions, I have attended
every year less in 2000, I have been in the LF Forum I can't
remember if in 1997 or 1998.

I will certainly start by getting one of those pre-amplifiers for my
Japanese Black-box  and try to receive some signals.

Iam really looking forward to meet Brian soon.

My main problem will be finding the time to do some homework in LF
but I'lle go slow (I can even take some of those LF projects to the office
where I work and carry on there, HI ! [hope my boss is not subscribing this

Ok Thanks for all and now I will try to assimilate every piece of
information you have been sending me.


Jose  CT1EEB

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