To Bob nd All,
the signal on 8953Hz was regular cw, RST from DL2NDO 529.
Some weeks before Markus DF6NM and me made some tests and found a max. audible
distance of 1500m and a max. visible distance of 2500m (on screen of laptop).
Rec. antenna was 10m vertikal.
73 Walter DJ2LF
From: BOB RIESE <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: LF: LF/Hyper test
Date: 11.07.2001 16:41:24
"On june17th the stations DL2NDO and DJ2LF had a duplex QSO in cw, one way
on 8953Hz, the other on 10.368200MHz. Frequency ratio 1:1 158 067.
After opening the window the signal was
loud and clear. Distance about 1Km.
73 Walter DJ2LF ".....
While that is no record on 10 gig WBFM
could it be one on 9 K cycles
What kind of signal was received on 8953
QRSS ?? RST ??
well done