Hello dear Markus hi all
Evidently my brain was a bit sleepy hi! I suspected that the
Hell transmission could be an answer to my call, being the signal starting
immediately after the end of my CQs but, due to the very strong noise, the
characters were a bit confused and I've not thinking to the fact that I was
in LSB; perhaps was sufficient to look at the screen through a mirror hi!.
Well! will be for a further opportunity. Unfortunately, my little
transceiver, that I've built quickly in winter 1999, works only in LSB, but
I can use, as RX, the main transceiver, that works well in all mode with a
500 Hz filter for CW. OK for your higher antenna, it works quite well, leave
the aluminium rod in place as long as possible!! My best 73 Cesare
Cesare Tagliabue I 5 TGC
e-mail: [email protected]
url: http://www.dadacasa.com/i5tgc