Hello Folk.
I have had a sudden interest in small manetic transmitting loops lately.
Have seen manty designs for 160 meters and above but not too much on LF.
Anyone running one of these at 136Khz? How is the feeding done?\\
Most designs that I have seen use tubing to reduce the I*R losses. Do to
skin effect I realize that current flows only on the
surface of the conductor. This maseem like a very basic question but do
current flow on the inside of the tubing?
And if it does of what use is it? Seems to me like it would not be useful
for radiating purposes since it is inside of a shielded pipe.
Would not a flat strap cable be better?
Thank you
Looking toward 136 Khz!!!!!!!
Cloudbounce Webpage http://www.qsl.net/w1vlf/
Rescue Electronic Surplus http://www.rescueelectronics.com
1982 Vanagon Diesel Turbo Diesel 1.9
GE Electrak E20 and E15 electric tractors
First place in local tractor pulls at 1750 LBS
With Stock E-20 Electric tractor
Air Rifle Target Shooting Enthusiast