There has been some discussion on methods of increasing activity on the
136kHz band. The main objection to contest activity seems to be that it
would degenerate into a '599 QRZ' type contacts.
The Worthing radio club runs a contest with its members for activity an a
particular band, usually 28MHz, for the number of contacts made over a
period of a year. Over a long time span the fast exchanges are irelevant.
We could do the same for 136kHz over a period - say from September 1st to
April 30th. We could have 1 point for each new contact and a multiplier for
each country. To stimulate activity in all modes we could have, say three
basic modes
1. CW. 2 QRSS/DFCW. 3. PSK31/wolf. e.g. If you worked G0MRF on CW, QRSS and
PSK31 this would count at three separate contacts.
I had thought of an additional multiplier for a different continent but this
would make it only in the reach of 'big guns'. The objective is to increase
activity so I dont think continental multipliers help.
What do you think?
Peter, G3LDO
e-mail <[email protected]>
Web <>