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LF: Major Increase in Solar WInd at 16:00 today

To: [email protected]
Subject: LF: Major Increase in Solar WInd at 16:00 today
From: "Robin T. Greenwood" <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 4 Apr 2001 17:34:07 +0100
References: <5516.200104041128@gemini> <[email protected]>
Reply-to: [email protected]
Sender: <[email protected]>
Watch out for disturbed condx. and Aurora tonight..
The Ace satellite showed an increase from 500KM/s. to 800KM/s. in a minute
or so...
----- Original Message -----
From: "Brian Rogerson" <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Sent: Wednesday, April 04, 2001 3:58 PM
Subject: Re: LF: IK5ZPV received again

Dear Valerio,

As below:-

C:\Wolf>wolf -q wolfr2.wav -f 799.75 -t .1 -r 8018.5
WOLF version 0.52
t:  24 f:-0.029 a: 0.2 dp:117.5 ci: 1 cj:374 9FY78GJ4UBSVRH  ?
t:  48 f:-0.023 a:-0.2 dp:116.1 ci:15 cj:437 3O3J8Y3K 7PI.N0 ?
t:  96 f:-0.024 a: 0.1 dp:113.7 ci: 8 cj:208 D/*CM7UTRO*45 P -
t: 192 f: 0.010 pm:1890 jm: 70               JUNZJFQ.3F/IJUA ?
t: 288 f: 0.000 pm:2675 jm: 69               TSTIK5ZPV       -
t: 384 f: 0.000 pm:3293 jm: 69               TSTIK5ZPV       -
t: 480 f: 0.000 pm:3492 jm: 69               TSTIK5ZPV       -
t: 576 f:-0.020 pm:4466 jm: 70               TSTIK5ZPV       -
t: 672 f:-0.020 pm:4752 jm: 70               TSTIK5ZPV       -

C:\Wolf>wolf -q wolfr3.wav -f 799.75 -t .1 -r 8018.5
WOLF version 0.52
t:  24 f: 0.101 a:-1.1 dp:119.4 ci: 8 cj:129 8TQ???CPI5XU 0B -
t:  48 f: 0.087 a: 0.0 dp:113.2 ci: 7 cj:129 4P G.D**FVQO04B ?
t:  96 f: 0.034 a: 1.2 dp:115.0 ci: 3 cj:313 *UKW8CW1ZGUXA.8 ?
t: 192 f:-0.049 pm:2484 jm:378               .JB3H4RZWX.E4KE ?
t: 288 f:-0.049 pm:2766 jm:378               TSTIK5ZPV       -
t: 384 f:-0.049 pm:3027 jm:378               TSTIK5ZPV       -
t: 480 f:-0.068 pm:5430 jm:378               TSTIK5ZPV       -
t: 576 f:-0.068 pm:6321 jm:378               TSTIK5ZPV       -

But I would be so much happier if I knew what I was doing!

73, Brian

>Dear Jim,
>I'm quite surprised from your report because my power last evening was
>80 W in antenna !!!
>This evening  i will start later at 20:30 UTC untill about 22:00 UTC
>with  40W.
>P.S. the half hour transmission delay was due to solve a little
>last-minute problem in atenna feed.
>Tnx and '73, Valerio

73 Brian     CT1DRP     IN51QD     41 09 58N  08 39 11W

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