G3AQC wrote:
Hi Larry,
I have transmitted on several occasions,but my frequency has been
135.722Khz occasionally 135.922.Time between 2130 and 2330 UTC except
for 01/01/2001 when I stayed on until 0300.The mode QRSS with 3sec.
dots. Message simply G3AQC repeated.Pity but it looks like your
mystery signal not me.I will be joining in over the13/14 Jan
weekend.73s Laurie.
I did not see Larry's original message but presume it referred to a
signal heard/seen.
If it is of any use, I transmitted on 135.732kHz from 2200 to 0200 on
16 Jan, and 135.720kHz from 2100 to 0300 on the 17th. QRSS, my
call repeated.
Mike, G3XDV (IO91VT)