Friday night
VE1ZZ R 'O' using the small loop antenna before 2359 but disappeared
after that time. I am surprised that Jack's signal is so consistant
here on the south coast when it may not be so in other parts of the
country. I read an article in CQ that suggested that transatlantic
160m signals took a much more southerly route that was first thought.
At various times G3AQC, G3XTZ, G3YXM and G3XDV were transmitting
below 136kHz; G3AQC and G3XTZ embedded in the SXA RTTY signal. At
around 1245 the SXA signal disappeared leaving all the G stations in
the clear. Towards 2359UTC the SXA signal gradually built up again.
Regards, Peter, G3LDO
<[email protected]>