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LF: tests

To: "Rsgb_Lf_Group" <[email protected]>
Subject: LF: tests
From: "Graham Phillips" <[email protected]>
Date: Sun, 14 Jan 2001 01:40:13 -0000
Importance: Normal
Reply-to: [email protected]
Sender: <[email protected]>
Hi All,

much the same conditions here ! ... awfull

I will continue transmissions, 3 sec dot, at 12 mins past and 42 mins past
each hour on 135.9400 kHz, change to 10 sec dot after 03.00Z, but give up
soon after that if conditions do not improve.

Best Luck to all,

73 de Graham B. Phillips.  G3XTZ.
[email protected]

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