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LF: Weekend activity...and LF beacon for a week.

To: "Rsgb_Lf_Group \(E-mail\)" <[email protected]>
Subject: LF: Weekend activity...and LF beacon for a week.
From: "Gasparik Richard" <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 15 Jan 2001 10:28:03 +0100
Reply-to: [email protected]
Sender: <[email protected]>
Hi LF-ers...

After a few months of QRT on 136, I build a new antenna, but in my home QTH
(to prevent thieves activities). It's 137m long wire, maximum about 25m
above the ground. Friday afternoon was all ready to be on the air. But only
without my defect power amplifier. So I tried it with QRP with some friends
around 50km of my QTH. Reports from 579 to NIL. So, I tried to call Petr
OK1FIG (he was S9+40dB) with 2 Watts output only on normal CW. 3th call and
OK1FIG is in the log (599/529). Oh boy...that's QRPP....280km with 2 Watts.
That's all for a saturday. I was very busy with my sons. On sunday (during a
breakfast) I build an "sparrow nest" power amplifier with about 50W output.
Sunday afternoon was an beacon on the air for about 5 hours (on 136.3 and
for a short time on 137.5) and I got reports from OM, YO, OK and HA. I'll
put it again on the air this afternoon untill friday afternoon. It will run
with 50W and normal CW, 24 hours a day on 136.3 kHz. Only for test purposes.
If you will hear me, please send me an E-mail or spot me in the cluster.
Thank you very much. Best regards and see you on LF with a bit higher power.

73 de Rich OM2TW

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