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Re: LF: Faraday Shield over roads

Subject: Re: LF: Faraday Shield over roads
From: "M.J.Powell" <>
Date: Mon, 15 Jan 2001 19:10:54 +0000
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In message <>
, Soegiono, Gamal <> writes
Hello Mike

MJP> It is also very interesting that the road under the aerials
MJP> has been covered by a form of Faraday shield held up by
MJP> telegraph poles, distance apart about 15 metres.
MJP> I wonder why?

Such a "faraday shield" can be found here in DL as well. They serve to
protect the traffic on the road from becoming entangled with over-head high
tension lines when broken acidently (under heavy iceing).

Unless the wire cage alias faraday shield has good electrical
connection to local ground, it will not serve as a shield.
It will just float in synchronism with the LF EM field.

Thanks, Gamal. I must examine the earthing next time  pass under!


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