No need to move for now, I'll keep with the 3.9Hz sampling and post process.
Must sort out that sprog problem at the lowest rate.
Can't look at the plot at the moment, its on the other machine which is
monitoring you (no multitasking in DOS) but I think it was in the region
of - 0600z. Could be a bit later. The real time plot showed some
definite keying at the best time but I was more concerned with getting the
raw data to take too much notice this morning.
Andy G4JNT
-----Original Message-----
From: Larry Kayser <[email protected]>
To: [email protected] <[email protected]>
Date: 20 January 2001 13:14
Subject: LF: Re: Friday Night
Great! I also put in a long night and now I can measure my frequency very
accurately to at least .05 Hz so if you want me to move up a bit let me
and it will take a while but I can do it, measuring device in the village
and transmitter of course out at the remote site hi.
Secondly I studied the spacing and I want to make two small changes.
increase the spacing between bits by 100%, it is just to short at 90
seconds. Second, decrease the spacing between words from 12 minutes to 9
minutes. If you have no objection I will do that later today.
For my curiosity, what time does the signal fade in and fade out?