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Re: LF: Carriers on 137 Khz

To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: LF: Carriers on 137 Khz
From: "M. Bruno" <[email protected]>
Date: Sun, 14 May 2000 22:52:08 +0200
Data: Sun, 14 May 2000 21:52:03 +0100
In-reply-to: <000b01bfbddc$092a86e0$e204e4d5@f5maf>
Reply-to: [email protected]
Sender: <[email protected]>
In 22.39 14/05/00 , hai scritto:

Hi all,
I have received some carriers with a 5  meters loop N/S.
135,8 KHz     Signal = 7      RTTY
136 KHz     Signal = 6     CARRIER
136,8 KHz     Signal = 5      BURST
135,8 KHz     Signal = 7      BURST
137,45KHz     Signal = 7      CW (not Ham CW)
135,8 KHz     Signal = 6      CARRIER with "CW"
137,75Hz     Signal = 7      CARRIER
135,8 KHz     Signal = 9+10   DCF49
Have you some informations about these "stations".
73 marc


Marc, reagarde ma liste sur le site de DK8KW

135,8 KHz     Signal = 7      RTTY      c'est la Marine de Athens (Greek Navy)
136 KHz     Signal = 6     CARRIER      probablement, voisin a toi ... quelque
harmonique locale
136,8 KHz     Signal = 5      BURST     ?
135,8 KHz     Signal = 7      BURST     ?
137,45KHz     Signal = 7      CW (not Ham CW)   ? est-il decodable ?
135,8 KHz     Signal = 6      CARRIER with "CW"         ?
137,75Hz     Signal = 7      CARRIER    probablement harmonique du reseau 50 Hz

Tous les OM de la liste ont des different signaux ... la plus part doit etre
Il ya peu de correlations.

73 - Marco IK1ODO - a coté de Torino

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