Yes, it is the station reportedly used by India to talk to its submarines
From the web site of IK1QFK:
18.2 kHz
VTX3 is an Indian Navy traffic station. Operates from Vijananarayanam. Has been
heard in USA and UK.
23/7/95 1832, HF1000 CW 200Hz LW7 S2. CW again heard, copied by PL, confirmed
callsign VTX3 and traffic a series of numbers and alpha characters. Pauses with
II characters. A series of
idents, v's traffic and II's after a break. Signal up to S2 at times, some
27/6/99 1925z, VTX3 traffic heard from 1930, standard Morse. V40 CW 100Hz BW
-550 Hz -90dbm peak.
11/7/99 2059z, VTX3 V40 CW 600Hz peaks to -86dbm
23/7/99 2137z, VTX3 V40 l202 CW 500Hz Morse traffic -87dbm
11/7/99 1530z, VVV DE VTX3 and tfc, then RTTY -mb-
Oct./99 1021 received by DG4BAS in msk
a spectrogram of VTX3 is also at
I'm curious to know the ERP of VTX3 ... anyone reading this in India ?
73, Marco IK1ODO
Marco Bruno - IK1ODO
[email protected]
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