OK1FIG wrote:
I heard that N.O.V. for 73 kHz ends this June or July. Is it true?
Will it
have any continuation? What is the reason? Can anybody provide me with
brief info? I need it for article "Long waves" that I write regularly for
Czech ham magazin.
The history is as follows:
When an LF allocation was requested, we were told: "do you want
73kHz now, or wait until the pan-European allocation happens?".
Of course we (and that includes the cave enthusiasts who started it
all off) said: "73 now" ! The band was due to close on 31 December
1999, but the RSGB got it extended by six months to 30 June
There are proposals to continue with a band in this part of the
spectrum, but it is not yet known whether this will be possible.
Obviously, if distances of nearly 2000km have already been
achieved on 73, it would be useful to be able to compare the
transatlantic path in due course.
Mike, G3XDV (IO91VT)