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LF: have or have not

To: "rsgb" <>
Subject: LF: have or have not
From: "g3kev" <>
Date: Sun, 02 Apr 2000 16:51:41 +0000
Organization: Netscape Online member
Sender: <>
It was nice to hear some constructive observations about various items
from a Professor and radio amateur in a recent message. A good 100 ft
strumech telescopic and tilt over tower costs over £2000 but it is a
good investment for a radio amateur or a commercial operator. It lasts
for a lifetime and if redundant fetches a good second hand price. Some
transceivers cost more than this but seldom get a mention so why single
out antenna masts. Those with expensive transceivers seldom do them
justice because the antennas used are generally very poor, ie the
proverbial G5RV dangling just above the ground. Probably the most
important factor on a radio station is the antenna which often attracts
the minimum attention. If one is not inclined to launch into commercial
masts, it is not hard to stack 2 x 20 ft scaffold poles for a
respectable 40 ft hight and the cost is minimal. How many do this
!!!!!!! I have erected this system single handed in the past and out on
field days.
Years ago before television it was a common sight to see a long vertical
pole of some sort in every garden to optimise reception, so its nothing
new but most seem to have taken a dislike to this today.
They seem to favour the monstrosity of  TV and FM antennas plus
satellite dishes strewn across the skyline on every chimney. A good high
vertical takes up very little room, is less unsightly and does wonders
both on tx and rx for a radio amateur. When you point this fact out to
the local planning department they find it hard to refuse an application
to erect a good sized antenna for radio amateur purposes.
Have not heard you Roger for a long time on 136 khz. Hope you have not
given up!!!!

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  • LF: have or have not, g3kev <=