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LF: re HB2ASB Toni's reply to my report

To: "rsgb_lf_group" <[email protected]>
Subject: LF: re HB2ASB Toni's reply to my report
From: "Alan Melia" <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 21 Feb 2000 12:51:16 -0000
Reply-to: [email protected]
Sender: <[email protected]>
Thanks for the reply Toni, there are some comments that may be of general
interest to the Group in there. Bernd did fade out at the end of his last
transmission with me also, but his cq whilst you were calling Cesare was
quite readable again.

I also see see traces of stations replying to calls but not persevereing
when getting a QRZ response (I suppose it is the....'he cant be hearing me'
syndrome) It does take a little time to swing the filters into line on a
weak station and adjust the tone for personal best reception. I also find
that there is often slow fade of a few dBs at night which means that you
might be better on your next try. I suspect Toni also suffers a lot more
static that I do, so that whole chunks of signal my be wiped out. I must
admit I 'listen' with a waterfal dispay showing the whole band and only
home-in on interesting traces.

I also see a weak continuous trace 136.547kHz also another exactly 100Hz
higher, I did wonder whether they were the mark and space frequencies of a
100Hz shift FSK station. The lower frequency is weaker here. Anybody know
this one??

73 de Alan G3NYK   JO02PB
[email protected]

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