>From HB9ASB, JN36pt
I'm really impressed by all the calls and I would like to join this
funny game. But I have only one call and I don't know from where you got
all these nice callsigns.
You get a good selection of callsigns when you work abroad as I did in
different countries for 25 years. I operated from all of these places
using 1.8 mhz - 432 mhz including satellite communications. Mostly CW and
SSB but other modes at times. Anyone that has been active over the past 40
years probably worked me.Check your log, if you need any cards for dxcc
let me know.
May be it's against "les regles du jeux" but to declare openly and
visible for everybody that I'm listening not only with the left or the
right ear but with 2 ears I will now change my call into
73 de Toni