G'day All,
Here in VK-land although the regulations say there are no allocations below
10kHz and it APPEARS that there would be no restrictions, there is a
document which sets out the bands for the Class Licence for LIPDs (low
interference potential devices):-
1 All transmitters 0 to 0.014 MHz 200uW EIRP maximum
Mind you it would difficult to generate that EIRP with a reasonable size
vertical or loop, but not impossible.
73s Steve Olney (VK2ZTO/AXSO - QF56IK : Lat -33 34 07, Long +150 44 40)
HomePage URLs:
Laser Comms DX
LF Experimentation
Amateur Radio Astronomy
LF Receiving - FRG-100, CHA antenna
LF Transmitting - 177.5/177.4kHz 8W - 7.6m vertical or CHA
Modes - AM, SSB, PSK31, SSTV, Hellschreiber, QRSS
and a new experimental mode - FDK.