Saturday 13 November
Very bad QRN, though conditions good with the Greek RTTY between S7
and S9 all day. Very little activity.
Heard G6NB (579)
Saw on Spectrogram, QRSs from PA2NJN ('O').
Worked on QRSs, PA0BWL ('O'/'O') for a new one. Very pleased to
work Wil who I met at the RSGB HF Convention (see my web site for a
pic of Wil).
Sunday 14 November
Got up at 0400 (as per my proposal for early morning tests on the second
Sunday of each month) and called CQ until 0530, but no takers.
Conditions were very good at start but declined towards 0500. QRN was
Back on air at 0915, and what a difference! QRN much lower, lots of
activity, 8 countries heard.
Heard G3BDQ (599); G3YXM (599); G4GVC (599); DL3FDO (549);
GW4ALG (579); PA0SE (569); MM0ALM (579, later 599); G6RO
(569); G8RW (589); GI3KEV (559); MI/EI0CF/P (439); OZ1KMR
(559); OZ5N (559); G3AQC/P (589).
Saw on Spectrogram, QRSs from DJ5AO ('O').
Worked PA0BWL (539/539) this time using normal CW; G0AKY
(559/559) for a new one, and SM6PXJ (329/329) a real struggle but a
country number 12 for me and my best normal CW DX at 1160km.
I have now heard 75 different stations on the 136kHz band.
Mike, G3XDV (IO91VT)