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LF: G3LNP Clover(?) test

To: "rsgb_lf_group" <>
Subject: LF: G3LNP Clover(?) test
From: "Alan Melia" <>
Date: Fri, 22 Oct 1999 14:28:08 +0100
Sender: <>
A very strong carrier on 137.40kHz, was heard at about 1320z this afternoon
which disolved into 4 pairs of data sidebands. I haven't seen this before
but I assume this is Clover. From experience of other data modes I would
suggest that with the right equipemnt it would be easily decoded here. A
.GIF file from FFTDSP4 is available but I will not attach it to this message
to save cluttering the reflector up.
Cheers de Alan G3NYK

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