Actually you don't need full blown specrogram to start up on a timer
you just need a program that starts up on a timer and captures a .wav
file, which you can then feed into spectrogram at your leasure.
I need a utility that does this for the reverse beacon work that I
spoke about at the HF convention. If anyone knows of a utility
I would be grateful for the pointer, otherwise I will have to write
it myself.
Stewart G3YSX
Alan Melia wrote:
Hi Des, I left FFTDSP waterfall monitoring 136 for me whilst I had my beauty
sleep (at my age I need all I can get!). Your morse was just a little too
fast for my settings, which were set for a 3 second dot regime (I think that
approximates to about 0.4 wpm, I seem to remember that there are 47
dot-equivalent elements in a standard word) Nevertheless your call was
readable here with some 'foresight' applied. and a locator of IO93OJ was
copied (without cheating). The crashes were quite low but were carving you
up a little such that I initially read your call as M0ALF. Spectrogram would
be much better under these circumstances but it is a lot more profligate
with the disc space (I'm running an old machine with a fairly small disc). I
must find a way of getting it to start up on a timer schedule without the
menu coming up. (Any ideas?? you computer whizzes)
I noticed your call started at 0520z on 137.450kHz, and drifted up to
137.535 during the course of the transmission. I think I recognised a hand
speed call later further down the band with the same drift noticable. It was
not a problem to me as I was viewing a 1.2kHz slice of the band. I think you
would have been readable in a 500kHz filter here on hand keyed morse. Hope
you got a result from Peter
73 de Alan G3NYK in JO02PB
[email protected]