Sorry for being a bit 'off topic'.
But if someone meets André Kesteloot (N4ICK) at the RSGB HF convention this
weekend please tell him that I arranged a talk about 136kHz on friday 15
october in Leuven. I will fax all details to his sister. A
overhead-projector will be available, if he needs something else
(slide-projector) it can be arranged if I know in advance. In that case
please a short message via e-mail early next week.
In case someone wants to attend the meeting : it will be on friday 15
october at 20h (local time) at the radioclub 'De Antenne', Diestsevest in
73, Rik ON7YD
Rik Strobbe ON7YD
[email protected]
Villadreef 14 B-3128 Baal BELGIUM (JO20IX)