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From: "john sexton" <>
Date: Thu, 02 Sep 1999 09:35:33 PDT
Sender: <>
Having recently completed the loop antenna described in Radcom and connected
it to the receiver I have built from a design in the LF Experimenters Source
book (Lloyd Butlers Simple Regen with front end tuner, I am delighted to
hear other hams regularly transmitting on the 136 KHz band, and thought I
would give them a report. I am not sure whether they are all on this
reflector, but its worth a try since I have no other way at present:

G4GVC calling CQ at 08.30 UT on 29.8.99 S8 R5
G4GVC calling CQ at 09.00 UT on 29.8.99 S8 R5
G3KEV calling CQ at 07.33, 07.47 and 07.47 UT on 30.8.99 S7 R4
G4GVC calling CQ at 10.06 on 30.8.99 S8 R5
G3KEV calling CQ at 15.00 UT on 30.8.99 S7 R4
G3KAU calling CQ at 15.20 UT on 30.8.99 S9 R5
G3GWO       in reply to CQ from G3KAU S6 R3

My QTH is Reading. The Antenna is oriented North/South to minimize the
signal from the German Electricity Board station. We are on a slope with a
hill to the North and East of us. G3KAU comes in from the south from Crawley
as a very strong signal, but other stations in the Midlands and North are
also well heard.

I am very pleased with the receiver, but there was an annoying error in the
circuit diagram, pins 5 and 6 on N1B are round the wrong way. This is
probably obvious to everyone else, but for me it took a long process of
elimination to find it.

I am not QRV on any other band at the moment, but hope to be so soon again.
The FT101E that I bought in 1976 needs some repair work, but I may have a go
at a 136 KHz transmitter first.

It is turning out to be much more fun building kit than buying it.

73's to all,

John Sexton, G4CNN. E-mail:

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