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LF: loop-ant. for rx-ing

To: [email protected]
Subject: LF: loop-ant. for rx-ing
From: "bernd grupe" <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 2 Aug 1999 18:21:31 +0200
Reply-to: [email protected]
Sender: <[email protected]>
Hello all,
when experimenting with different loop-antennas it would be very helpful to have a special tool for calculating all the equations in terms of L and C and efficiency (esp. the radiation resistance).So I got the idea to program a specific "calculator" for all the work and just put a very first version on my web-site. It runs with all the popular browsers. Online as well as offline when downloading the Java-File to your PC.The URL is:

My qth-locator is JN49JV and its 40 km down of Frankfurt/Main.Due to the near big radio stations - DLF 153kHz, DCF 77 and intermodulation by 129 kHz(GPS) etc. - you can believe me, that it's hard to get an audible signal in NCW. Since April i tried to connect dk8kw(Geri) on lf. But it was just the one-turn loop-ant. which i have built at least, to get Geri at friday last weekend with quite a high O quality in scw-mode. This good performance of loop-ant. brought me to write this mail to all of You, who suffered from similar bad conditions. Try a loop and look for gd dx.
73 bernd, DF8ZR

TX-ant.: marconi 10 m high; coil 2.3 mH
RX-ant.: selective loop, 2 m diam
pw: 20 watts homemade
rx: PCR1000 ICOM with selective preamps

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