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LF: Weekend report 19-20/6

To: "'137 kHz'" <[email protected]>
Subject: LF: Weekend report 19-20/6
From: "Petr Maly" <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 21 Jun 1999 09:31:22 +-200
Reply-to: [email protected]
Sender: <[email protected]>
Hello Lowfers.
This weekend stayed in the city and listened on 40m LW, 6m above ground. I prooved again that this ant is insufficient, giving 40dB lesser signals than the one at the cottage.
If I want to listen at this QTH I must either build selective preamplifier or 
loop ant again.
Tried many times (specially at full hours) to watch Spectrogram. No success. 
I tuned across the whole band and heard DF2PY calling CQ in normal CW. I changed Spectrogram settings and recorded him. Of course, it has no sense to record audible signals...

Getting QRV:
Having done PCB with tuned 1.36 MHz osc and another PCB with deviders and keyed
drivers (thanks G3YXM for his kind help). Only to put them into a box and add a final stage with two IRF mosfets. If all goes well I could undertake first experiments with TX (perhaps Slow-CW) during the following weekend. I will let you know.

73! Petr, OK1FIG

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