Hello hamilton, hm> YU7AR is my best DX heard from Europe at 1727.9Km (1074 miles) according to the Buckmaster call book info. and OOO visual. hm> maybe this falls into the category of Europe also. H
Hello James, JM> I am planning to run the Jason beacon again tonight and during the weekend. Hi Jim, Here is your last night JASON95 sigs. KN05BW 1621km 73 Teo YU7AR -- Best regards, YU7AR mailto:yu7
Hello Mike, Yes Mike I confirm this qso, but first G is M0BMU 2nd is Dave G3YXM you are my qso #30 and 13nd country. -- Best regards, Teo YU7AR mailto:[email protected]
Dear LF Group, Next week 14-16 January ,I plan LF activity from Z3 ( FYR Macedonia) YU7AR (Z38AR) and YU7AV (Z38AV) , with assistance : Macedonia OM s Z31MM, Z31GX, Z33F, Z36W and YU7CM from YZ7A (YU
Hi Ingolf, My antena is umbrella 35m high on steel tower, ERP is abt 1W . Now on 135.922 !! what you say, tomorrow try 2way qso ??? Teo -- Best regards, YU7AR mailto:[email protected]
Hello Joe ,Alex , Dmitry and other, Tanks for report, I transmit today also all night . 73 Teo YU7AR ; Z38AR -- Best regards, YU7AR mailto:[email protected]
Hello Markus and other, I start 22:00 in 00:30 abt. burnin my loading coil, top on antena maybe today repair this. GL, Teo YU7AR Hello MarkusVester, Mac> Markus, DF6NM -- Best regards, YU7AR mailto:y