GD Genossen LFers! Anybody tell me how to read own group online? I remember one site with the reflector messages, but can't find it by google( Not yahoo! -- 73! Roman, RW3ADB
Hi Genossen LF/MFers! Congrats with International Radioamateur Day! One question: Who is it WH2XND? Email? Real call? I see many spots on 630m's in WSPR so often more then 2000-3000 km's and very sur
GD Alan! I'm RX that your message to yandex and nothing to rambler-( Very tied from that problem with the boxes and start a special gmail account for the grop now. I hope will be no problem with gmai
Genossen LFer's! Congratulation with the Day of Radio! Magic Power of Radio bless us! 120 years ago russian scientist Alexander Popov TXing first historical radiogramm - 'Heinrich Hertz' and sta
GM Graham und Genossen LFers! Yesterday AUS was visible 146% onto G4WGT grab:;topic=18.0;attach=9178;image,18.msg12502.html#msg12
GD Genossen LFers! Russian informed abt Activity Day:,9.msg12612.html#msg12612 RC4HAA wait you on 137777 in long modes. Grabber 24h: Will be a