Hello Wolf and all MW friends, the dial frequency should be 474.2kHz instead of 472kHz. The transmitting frequency would be +/-475.7kHz. I be leave this should be enough space for CW. But this is jus
Hello Roman, you have got me: 2013-03-02 20:30 DL3NDR 0.475818 -36 0 JN59no 0.5 RW3ADB KO85ro 1885 59 73 Roland DL3NDR Am 02.03.2013 21:07, schrieb Roman RW3ADB: Hi Roland, LF!
Hello Roman, this is a good idea. The question is, shall we Change the WSPR frequencies to Opera frequencies or opposite. The frequency for WSPR with 474.2kHz is already used in Europe and US. WSPR1