We just need to learn a bit more about using catapults! A 'Staff Sling' might be more effective. http://www.st-cuthbertsland.demon.co.uk/ssl_make.htm Nick
for something? It might be a good idea to check what the radio astronomers have done during the last decades and hopefully some good ideas could be found that could now be implemented using low cost
--Using my portable field strengh meter as a receiver I found the culprit to be a fluorescent tube mounted over the dresser in our kitchen. The noise is already present with the tube switched off an
Yes - that's why I'm engineering it so the PTT line operates the chip reset pin and only brings the PSU up via its soft-start on transmit. 'JNT Very wise Nick
A pair of car batteries used on a /P expedition could easily discharge to 20V. The modern high power DMOS devices (for 1.3, 2.3 and 3.4 GHz) that this PSU is aimed at powering like a constant 28V Vcc
As part of a project for the other end of the spectrum, I'm in the process of designing a 300 - 400W SMPSU for converting a 12V car battery supply to 28V so will be looking into similar sized cores
Although off-subject there seems to be a lot of interest in the EF50. Attached is a text-only version of a recent article written by Keith Thrower, an ex-Director of Racal and an electronics histori
Hi If any of you live near traffic lights and suffer a pulsing type noise then it is a bus priority system that operates around 134kHz with a pulsed transmission interrogating passive tags on the bus
Dave states that even if it were a lumped inductance with zero length, the currents would be different. How can that possibly be so? Where does the current go? If the voltage on the output of the co
Present day amateur radio seems to be an APPLIANCE OPERATOR persuit and certainly does not encourage the true RF experimenter. Doesn't the person who BUILDS his own remote receiver station and then
As for getting "beams", if you add together a lot of antennas on a long baseline (tens of kilometres) whether for Tx or Rx you will get what superficially look like multiple narrow "beams" with very
Why 320 lines ?? Well, for 640 x 480 resolution (480 vertically) that is approximately what is left over after space is taken for menu bars and status lines. The only way around this would be a vers
a couple of tips to maximise protection and also stop it being passed to others are as follows: An even better one is not to retrieve e-mails with Microsoft software. Agent from www.forteinc.com is
A headband magnifier, eg RS Components 3x does a better job of maintaining a flat plane and better stereoscopic vision and does not give the same after effects. OK, I don't get these problems but th
Take the plunge. Get yourself a good headband magnifier A hint for the skinflints among us. You can now buy 'non-prescription' reading glasses from places like Boots at up to 3 diopter for a very re