I'll go out on the limb and say your seeing John, VE7BDQ on 137776. He was copied here Saturday Morning for awhile. Mark, Ku7z DN41af Ogden, Northern UT (NUT) Overnight XGJ was strong into OK before
Here is the link to waterfall chart that shows there may have been some activity around 0400 to 0800. Though I am not sure what I am looking at here. http://maestro.haarp.alaska.edu/data/spectrum2/ww
I noticed Laurence, KL7UK had his Alaskan Snapper on HGA22 tonight, having never looked for this one before I gave it a shot and there it was! I copied it for a bit on my Ratzlaff active whip, withou
Hi Stefan, been lurking here on the rsgb-lf list for about a year I think. Have been on the Lowfer list for quite a few years. Not in a real quiet location. The best times to listen for Europe coinci
I see the Japan stations being reported on the WSPRnet Database at 00, 20 and 40 minutes. They are running WSPR-2 then? Just want to make sure so I have the right format selected later tonight after
I setup to watch for DK7FC during the night using QRSS30, 60 and 120 screens. About 0600 utc I started seeing a dasher about 136.171. I was hoping it may have been part of the DFCW signal of DK7FC, b