Steinar, thanks for reporting this! The 0.1 Hz Doppler shift is remarkable. Is your frequency scale upright or inverted? On a several occasions a few years back, I observed still unexplained "ri
LF, A first for me, UA0AET made it to Bucharest today. Here's the latest Op deep-search log from YO: 2013-03-25 17:36:25 SV8CS 915km 137539.938Hz 142mHz -39.5dBOp 92% 20.1dB 2013-03-25 18:09:11 S
LF, Nice signal from Spiros this evening in Haifa calling CQ, peaking 20db above noise in QRSS10 on 137.710kHz: Also nicely visible at DF6NM, DK7FC. 73s Chris 4X
Markus, Spiros, LF, Here's the "deep search" output from Bucharest, nice to catch DF2JP for a new one, looks like a legit spot: 2013-03-16 19:11:12 UA4WPF 2277km 137541.982Hz 2mHz -46.6dBOp 89% 1
Spiros, LF, Your signal in Haifa: UT call distance frequency bandwidth SNR correlation 13:26:35 SV8CS 1399km 137540.001Hz 110mHz -39.2dBOp 98% 19.1dB and Bucharest: UT call di