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Re: LF: WG2XRS/4 73kHz WSPR-15

To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: LF: WG2XRS/4 73kHz WSPR-15
From: [email protected] (Trevor Smithers)
Date: Thu, 12 Dec 2013 13:30 +0000 (GMT Standard Time)
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Not sure why some stations failed to upload to the database last night but be 
aware that you can 
upload direct to the wsprnet database manually.

Go to the database page - look at the bottom of the page and click "Link to old 

Look at the top right of the page "Upload your log" and follow the instructions.

There have been some queries as to why wspr-15 stations are not showing up in 
the Activity 
page. This is because its designed for wspr-2 and only shows stations active in 
the last 10 
minutes. If you happen to fall between page updates then you may or may not 
show on the 
page. This is being currently looked into and hopefully the Map and Activity 
pages will be 
updated shortly.

Trevor  G0KTN

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