Which big bang ? A few superpowers may have tested the occasional EMP
weapon with 'interesting' findings, but no one ever deployed one -
they all realised the potential for damaging thier own infrastructure
as well as the target's. And contrary to all the popular sci-fi films
and myths of the era, a normal ground-burst or even air-burst of a few
MT does not generate damaging EMP. It has to be a true exo-atmopheric
explosion at a height to do practically no other damage, and of a
mechanism yielding mainly high energy gamma / X-rays to generate the
necessary Compton scattering.
The stories put-about back then were incorrect and partly propaganda,
but also genuine misunderstanding of the respective countries'
techology capabilities, and their modus-operandi
Andy G4JNT
2008/7/20 mal hamilton <[email protected]>:
> When the big BANG comes you will regret not having learned about
> VALVES/TUBES and how to use them.
> These have a good chance of survival when all the chips have FRIED and being
> able to use a morse key a bonus.
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Andy Talbot" <[email protected]>
> To: <[email protected]>
> Sent: Thursday, July 17, 2008 11:24 AM
> Subject: Re: LF: satellites/RadCom
>> Two pijnts...
>> 1) Satellites
>> Having just joined Amsat (because I felt I 'ought' to) I'm less than
>> impressed with a) Oscar News which has had no technical content in the
>> two issues so far received, and b) The Amsat -UK web site. In spite
>> of supposed to being able to log in I can't after several requests.
>> Seems there is nothing there anyway
>> So all in all, don't look to much from the UK Am satellite scene.
>> 2) Constructional articles
>> Radcom is always looking out for things. My new column can continue
>> based on years of my own-experimentation and building in quintillions
>> of different subject areas from DC to pink light, digits and analogue,
>> but I would like input from others. Anything that isn't yet another
>> wire antenna or a new H-Mode mixer, and certainly no valves would be
>> welcome; mid-range to upper end technology is preferred using
>> modern(ish, in amateur terms) devices. Don't want to cover simple
>> basics, that is best left to Eamon and Ian in their columns.
>> Waiting...
>> Andy G4JNT
>> www.scrbg.org/g4jnt
Andy G4JNT