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Re: LF: 73/136 Khz Transatlantic.

To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: LF: 73/136 Khz Transatlantic.
From: [email protected]
Date: Sat, 16 Nov 2002 16:25:11 EST
Reply-to: [email protected]
Sender: <[email protected]>
Hi John,

Can you watch 72 and 136kHz simultaneously? - I could send DFCW after 23:00, parameters 135922.3 dot,  922.4 dash, 60s on, 20s off. Though at 100mW EMRP from here, condx would have to be extraordinary...

Markus, DF6NM

Just another thought. It would also be useful to organize some beaconing at
136 kHz on some of these promising nights. I remember evenings with at least
5 stations clustered closely to 135.922 kHz, running QRSS60 or slower. We've
got some new fellows over here who would enjoy seeing such a thing. And
there was always room for more signals on the EU end. An Argo 60 second
screen has three whole Hertz of BW!

John Andrews, W1TAG

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