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Re: LF: Programming !!!HELP!!!

To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: LF: Programming !!!HELP!!!
From: [email protected]
Date: Fri, 7 Jun 2002 21:19:03 EDT
Reply-to: [email protected]
Sender: <[email protected]>
Dear Brian,

here comes the sniplet of QB45 code I use to directly access com port status lines and the other serial registers from a DOS-Box under Win98 and ME. The trick is that somehow Windows decides to give you the HW resources if you read the modem status register more than once, which I found out only by chance.

Good luck es 73
Markus, DF6NM

' RTS/DTR routines for Windows DOS BOX
' from morse1jm.bas by Markus Vester, DF6NM

cp& = &H3F8 'COM1
cp& = &H2F8 'COM2

i% = INP(cp& + 6): i% = INP(cp& + 6) ' works in Win98 DOS Box
i% = INP(cp& + 6): OUT cp& + 4, 0    ' necessary for WinME
IF i% = 255 THEN cp& = 0: PRINT "tx com port not available"

' read modem status twice to notify windows from dos box !

' Windows ME needs 2 times read status
' 3rd read status is different from 255
' and bit 4 (selftest) in modem control has to be reset!

' com port:  rts=key, dtr=ptt, gnd
' DSUB9 Pin:    7        4      5
' DSUB25 Pin:   4       20      7


IF cp& THEN OUT cp& + 4, INP(cp& + 4) OR 2

IF cp& THEN OUT cp& + 4, INP(cp& + 4) AND 253

IF cp& THEN OUT cp& + 4, INP(cp& + 4) OR 1

IF cp& THEN OUT cp& + 4, INP(cp& + 4) AND 254

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